Mary Burks
With over 25 years of experience in health and fitness, I continue an undying passion to assist individuals in obtaining their personal goals toward living a healthy lifestyle. Achieving balance in the demands that life can challenge us with, it is of the utmost importance to take the best care of your health. Making a commitment to take the time to make sure your body is functioning – on the inside as well as the outside – is the best decision that you can make in order to live a healthy lifestyle. Discover the athlete within you!
Shaun Eagen
As a former college athlete, I have always been expected to train at peak performance levels. I was in varsity sports year-round at West Virginia Wesleyan College, playing football and track & field. It was during those years that I earned my B.S. in Exercise Science and went on to complete my certification as a personal trainer. I have become certified as a CrossFit™ trainer, with more specialized certifications in CrossFit™ Gymnastics and CrossFit™ Olympic Lifting. But I’ve still got some work to do! I’m challenging myself to be able to do a full gymnastics ring routine…but my 6’3” 225 lb. frame is working against me. I’ll have to tell myself what I tell my clients: “Get out of your head!”